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Ombudsman Office holds lecture for Royal Police Academy Researches Studying Human Rights

Manama, January 13, 2015: The Ombudsman Office held today at its headquarters in Seef, an introductory lecture on its role and function in collaboration with the Royal Academy of Police. The lecture was attended by fourth cohort currently enrolled in the Masters Program at the Academy who are studying a course entitled "In depth Human Rights".


The Ombudsman, Mr Nawaf Al Moawdah, spoke at the beginning of the lecture and gave the attendees an explanation about the Ombudsman Office, its establishment, stages of its development, and its role and mandate. He cited that the establishment of the Office was evidence of the development of the field of human rights in Bahrain and that it was also an implemented of two Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry report recommendations; 1717 and 1722(d).

Mr Al Moawdah also highlighted the work that the Office has been doing since its launch in July 2013. Namely, its annual report and what it contained in terms details regarding the complaints received, statistics regarding them, and recommendations issued in response.

For his part, the Deputy Ombudsman, Mr Osama Al Osfoor, spoke about the professional and inspection reports issued by the Ombudsman Office. These include the issuance of the first Ombudsman Standards on visiting prisons and places of detention on September 2013, the first of its kind in the region and inline with international standards in this area. He also spoke about the Jau Prison report, the first publically report prison inspection in Bahrain and discussed the report detailing the findings made and recommendations issued.

Additionally, Mr. Abdul Rahman Ali Abdul Rahman Bilal Director of the Complaints Directorate, spoke about the stages of receiving complaints and consideration and action taken thereon, as well as the classification of complaints that fall under the purview of the Ombudsman Office and those that do not have jurisdiction. Moreover, he spoke about the follow-up mechanism where the complainant is kept informed even after a complaint has been referred to other competent authorities, such as the Public Prosecution and the Special Investigation Unit, the Security Prosecution, Interior Ministry administration, disciplinary committees of civil servants, and other bodies.

In conclusion, Mr. Al Moawdah concluded the lecture by thanking the audience and wished them success in their studies.